She’s still out driving around in the old VW Bus. At one of the intersections, there’s some kind of issue with the light and we were going to go a different route but she didn’t seem to understand basic instructions, so, we had a slight hold-up until we got past the cop directing traffic. After that, she’s back to the driving and trying to keep that pedal pinned to the floor as much as possible.
2 thoughts on “Hana Driving the Bus in Dressage Outfit, 2 of 2”
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Hana Mixed In The VW Bus ( Having A Hard Time Starting The Bus -Having Places To Go) Black Leather Riding Boots / 1072 MP4 HD / Clip 2 Of 2 /PIP
As we continue from clip one the drive is going without a hitch with the exception of Hana’s left foot slipped off the clutch she was shifting into first gear at a traffic light, this rattles Hana a little bit she has no trouble getting the engine restarted. Hana had a little bit of trouble understanding wither Shish wanted her to turn left or right, there was a traffic issue of some type where they normally turn left at Rogers foot mart to drive past HQ.
Hana has to wait for close to a minute before she can make a left turn she drives past HQ, she’s not driving that fast 25 MPH maybe 35 MPH from time to time. Hana is driving on two lane country winding back roads as she drives past to HQ. The drive is going smoothly with the exception of the issue back at the traffic light. Hana makes left and right turns as she drives back to Cassandra’s.
The drive is almost over as Hana makes a left turn down the two lane road to Cassandra’s dirt road, as Hana makes her left turn on the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway Hana has to shift into first gear, when models drive the bus when they make a left turn down the dirt road down to Cassandra’s driveway, they have to be careful, because the engine on the bus will stall out on them, this happened to Hana one time.
Hana learned her lesson she shifts into first gear after making her turn she presses down on the clutch really fast to keep the engine from stalling on her, from the two lane road to Cassandra’s dirt road there’s a slight incline. Hana in first gear slowly goes down the dirt road, she parks the bus in the same spot where this two part series began. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Hana parks the bus in the same spot where this two part series began Hana leaves the bus in gear, she shuts the engine off and the bus lurched forward a little bit.
Hana you did a great mixed two part series in the bus you didn’t let the bus get to you when you had to fight it to get it to start, or when the engine stalled out on you at the traffic light, you kept your cool, your feet look sexy in black leather knee high riding boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
great clip from Hana. She knew how to drive this old bus–hard