Heidi had her shot at getting the old Camaro to start, so now it’s Jane’s turn. Jane, wearing her sexy office outfit with black leather thigh high boots, gets in to see if she can get it started. She tries for a while, begging the car to start but no luck. They decide to just take Jane’s car.
They get into the old Monte Carlo, thinking they’ll have better luck getting it started and find out quickly that nope, looks like Jane’s car doesn’t want to start either. Jane ends up draining the battery down to where the starter just ‘clicks’. The girls decide on their own that it’s time for a sick day today. Of course, they’ll have to run it by their boss first — video fades out.
Video fades back in with both girls looking glum because the boss didn’t go for their self-approved sick day. So they’ve let the car sit a while and drew some wonderful window ‘fog art’ to pass the time. Jane gets situated to start the car and hope that it’ll start so she doesn’t get in trouble. She turns the key and pumps the gas pedal fast as the engine is cranking over again and sure enough, her baby fires up!
“Oh no, this means we have to go to work now….“
New Model Heidi & Jane Crank Multiple( Raining All Day – Trying On Different Pair Of Boots) White & Black OTK High Heel Leather Boots / 1080I MP4 HD / Clip 2 Of 3
As we continue from clip one Heidi gives it a couple more tries before Jane gets behind the wheel she cranks and pumps the Camaro’s gas pedal for about a couple of minutes, the engine doesn’t even so much as try to catch or even so much as sputter. Jane gives up on trying to get the Camaro started, she gets out and walks over to her car a 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo, she cranks and pumps the Monte’s gas for not even a minute she pleads with it to start before the battery dies on her.
Heidi and Jane don’t want to call Uber to take them to work Heidi gets the bright idea to call in sick, her boss doesn’t like that too much, he tells them to come in to work or get another job. Jane lets her car sit for a few minutes, it’s so wet outside Jane gets a little bit annoyed that her black OTK leather boots got wet from walking around the yard walking over to both the Camaro and the Monte-Carlo, now that the Monte-Carlo has a fresh battery Jane spins the starter a few times if fires right up.
Now both Heidi and Jane can drive to work. Heidi doesn’t seem too happy that she wont be able to take a sick day. Jane revs the engine really good to clear out the carburetor of excess gas and warm the engine up. Jane shifts the gearshift into drive, now the both of them are on there way to work. As clip two is ending Jane shifts into drive and is about to get on the highway.
What will clip three in this three part series bring us? Will Jane be able to drive them to work without the Monte-Carlo dyeing on them at either the end of the driveway or a traffic light or a stop sign? We will have to wait for clip three the final in this series to see how this turns out. Until then pleasant dreams. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂