A far off camera is getting a shot of the drivers side of the Monte Carlo as Jane comes walking down the steps. She’s on the phone with you and giving you an attitude because you asked her to please not floods the car again. She gets in the car and sure enough, she can’t get it started and ends up flooding it. She pops the hood to look underneath but she’s not a mechanic so she has no idea what to do. She knows that she is going to get a lot of shit from you for flooding it again, especially after all the sass she gave you on the phone earlier.
Fast-forward to you’ve now shown up — no, you’ve sneaked up on her while she’s looking under the hood and when she sees that you’re there, she immediately starts playing coy and admitting that yes, she might maybe of possibly could have flooded the car out. She tries playing nice now and asking if you can watch and see what she’s doing wrong…