“Good morning sweetie!” Jane says as you come walking into the dining room after just waking up. She tucked you into bed last night and you didn’t think you’d see her until a couple of weeks.
She says you two can go get breakfast in her mom’s car if you hurry and get ready. It will need the battery changed first because she drained it the night before trying to get it started to take you to the movies…remember? It’s okay if you didn’t because she drains this one you just put in. So, after a changing the battery again she tries to start the car. Third time’s a charm, right?
Jane Domino Cranking The Renault ( Little Billy’s Parents Stayed Out Later Then Usual – Jane Stayed To Make Sure Billy Is Alright) Red Reebok Sneakers / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a nice sunny morning little Billy’s parents stayed out the nigh before later then usual. Jane was supposed to leave the night before, she was going to be gone for close to two weeks. Billy gets up is surprised to see Jane sitting at the dinning room table sipping on a cup of coffee, she’s hungry. Billy’s mom tells her she can drive the Renault.
Jane reminds Billy he has to put a fresh battery in the Renault she killed the battery the day before cranking the engine, she knows about both your pedal pumping fetish and your foot fetish. Jane will drive the both of you so you can get breakfast . Jane is wearing a lite black V-neck pullover shirt, black & white leggings, dark red Reebok sneakers.
The trunk lid is open Jane is standing in front of the Renault. Billy pretends to change out the battery there’s one on the ground and one in the trunk hooked up to the battery cables. Jane gets in she tries to get the Renault to start she cranks and pumping the gas pedal on the Renault the battery gets weak really fast and dies on her.
Shish is shooting a mixture of whole body video as Jane sits at the dinning room table, and whole body video as she stands in front of the Renault and upper and some nice footwell video from the drivers door it’s open all the way as she struggles to get the Renault to start, he also shoots some footwell video through the steering wheel, now that the battery is dead. Jane asks Billy did he change out the battery? He tells her no, this upsets Jane calling him a little sh#it, he walks to the rear of the Renault and switches out to a fresh battery.
Now that the Renault has a fresh battery Jane cranks and pumps the Renault’s gas pedal, the engine starts after about half a minute she revs the Renault’s little engine for the rest of the video, now it’s time to get some food in her belly. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Jane revs the engine and says” time to feed our belles”. The End. Jane you did a great crank and rev video in the Renault your feet look sexy in those red Reebok sneakers. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀