We climb into the 1980 Cadillac Coupe Deville with her behind the wheel, obviously, to make a short drive. She’s got these super short cutoff shorts with a sexy black tank top paired with some dark red peep toe pumps. She gets situated in the car, puts her high heel on the floor-mounted pedal and gives it a few quick pumps before spinning it over. It doesn’t start the first time…or the second…or the third. Hmmm. So she tries a fourth time and starts putting her whole leg into the pumping. It’s still not starting but she’s pumping it with that whole leg of hers, bouncing up and down and begging that old car to start for her.
She keeps working it for a bit and finally gets it fired up. The engine is quiet but man, the belt is squealing like a stuck pig! She gives it a few revs to clear it out and backs up onto the road and rolls into the throttle.
When we get to our destination, she has to maneuver the big car in a pretty tight area. She turns it around, backs it up and is finally able to park it.
Jane Domino Crank & Drive The Coupe-De-Ville Down The Street / Cherry Red Peep-Toe Stiletto Pumps / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a hot summer day Jane is going to drive the Cadillac Coupe De-Ville down the street maybe no more a then a few blocks at the most, first she has to get the temperamental beast started. Jane is wearing a black tank top, denim cutoff shorts, cherry red peep-toe stiletto pumps. Jane uses different pumping methods at first she uses her ankle then she switches to pumping the gas pedal with her leg.
Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Jane walks to the Coupe De-Ville it’s parked in the driveway, Jane pleads with it a couple of times she gets the engine started one time and gets one rev in before the engine dies on her. Jane turns the key again the engine starts she gives the big 368 V8 a few quick revs before she turns on the AC and buckles her seatbelt she backs out of the driveway, and drives down the street not to far from HQ. Jane guns the engine going as fast a she can when traffic permits.
Jane turns into the driveway the Coronet is there also as Jane backs the Cadillac near some trees, it takes some doing she has to go forward and backup a couple of times before she gets it just right. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Jane turns off the AC and shuts the engine off. The End.
Jane you did a great crank and drive video in the Cadillac your feet look sexy in those Cherry red peep-toe stiletto pumps. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀