Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 3 of 5
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Jane & Vivian Run Errands in the Caddy in Their Boots, 3 of 5

March 31st, 2024


Jane is still behind the wheel driving and Vivian props her boots up on the dash. Jane gives those leather boots a rub, “I love those boots!” As Vivian admires her boots on the dash, Jane whips the Caddy into the parking lot and the girls head into the post office to check for packages. They take the goods and head back to the car with their boots clicking and clomping on the pavement.

This time, Vivian is going to drive. She gives the gas pedal some pumps while she looks for the key and goes to start it but it’s a little flooded. It sputters and stalls. Jane looks up at her and she has this little smirk on her face. After some more flooded attempts, she gets it started and revs it up. She leans out to show to give a good listen to her revving (and gratuitous ass shots) before heading out.

She floors it on the highway, stretching her booted-foot to the floor in the giant land barge. Vivian ends up returning the favor of rubbing Jane’s boots now.