“We just realized the Monte was completely out of gas, which is why it was giving us difficulties earlier. So, we just put gas in it.” Jane narrates as Jewels is getting back in the car after filling it up at the pump. When she goes to start the car, the difficulties persist because she can’t get the car started again.
She gets the car started before anyone tries to help them and she goes to leave and the car stalls again. Fortunately, it fires back up and they work their way out of the parking lot…almost. It stalls again and Jewels fires it right back up but revs it lightly for just a moment to see if being gentle will work better.
They are still in the parking lot of the gas station trying to get out, too many damn people everywhere! She darts around some cars and manages to get on the road finally! At the red light, yes, can finally get ready to go….and the car dies…great! The light turns green as Jewels is cranking and pumping away while someone wastes no time to blow their horn. Jewels & Jane both are about ready to fight back but first, gotta get the car started….