She loved these old vintage boots and thought they’d go perfect with the old vintage bus. She climbs in, cranks it up and revs it! It does give her issues starting and staying running but that’s nothing that some pumping and bouncing can’t fix. 😉
She loved these old vintage boots and thought they’d go perfect with the old vintage bus. She climbs in, cranks it up and revs it! It does give her issues starting and staying running but that’s nothing that some pumping and bouncing can’t fix. 😉
Kamilla Kaboose Crank & Rev The VW Bus(Crank & Rev The Buses Engine In White Vintage Thigh High Leather Boots) 720P MP4 HD
It’s a nice day up at Cassandra’s Kamilla wants to play in the bus she has on a pair of white vintage leather thigh high boots that would go perfect in the bus, that’s all she has to do is get the bus started. Kamilla is wearing a blue mid sleeve pullover shirt, faded cut off denim shorts, white vintage leather thigh high leather boots.
Shish is shooting whole upper and footwell video from different angles the driver, passenger and side doors are open as Kamilla walks around to the drivers door and gets in. Kamilla romps on the gas pedal really hard you can hear her pump the gas pedal hit the floor as Shish gets some really great closeups of Kamilla’s sexy size 6.5 right foot pound the gas pedal. Kamilla will stop cranking from time to time, she does this about three or four times. In all it takes Kamilla about a little over four minutes to get the engine started.
Kamilla gives the buses engine a pretty good revving getting the engine rpms up there pretty good after a little over two minutes the engine dies on her. Kamilla goes back to cranking and pumping the buses gas pedal, she pumped the gas pedal so much I’m surprised she didn’t flood the carburetor. Shish is shooting whole body video from the side sliding door from the right side of her head down to her right foot working the gas pedal, you can also see her left foot press down on the clutch as she works the gas pedal when she’s either cranking or revving the buses engine.
The buses engine is running again Kamilla goes back to revving the engine getting the engines rpms up there good. Shish is shooting some really up close footwell video from the drivers seat, he points the camera at her face, she hopes you had fun playing with her. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Shish is shooting video of Kamilla’s feet through the steering wheel as she revs the buses engine. The End.
Kamilla you did a great crank and rev video in the buses your feet look sexy in those white vintage thigh high leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀