“Alright, come on baby..” she begs the car as she turns the key again and pumps the gas, hoping to get it started. She stuck in the mud and now her engine is flooded.
She keeps trying and does get it fired up again but there’s no change in her ability to get the car to unstuck. She’s able to get a few pumps of the gas to try and get the car to moved before it chugs and stalls out on her. This car is testing her patience and with the engine flooded again, it’s looking like she’s not gonna win this one.
This cycle repeats a few times and she’s had enough with this piece of junk!
But wait…there’s more!
She’s at her wits end, her car won’t start and Scarlet shows up.
“What are you doing here?” Kimberly asks.
“I was supposed to come pick you up.” Scarlet tells her as she states the obvious, “Looks like you’re stuck.”
“I’m really stuck…think you can get it unstuck?” Kimberly asks.
“I can try.” Scarlet says and they swap spots.
Scarlet starts rocking the car and ends up having the same issue with it stalling on her at first but she gets a feel for it and manages to keep it from stalling. The longer she’s able to spin her wheels and keep the car running, the more room she makes to get the car out of the mud.
But wait…that’s it, the end.