A quick crank or two of the car and VROOM!! She revs it a few times and drives around for a bit in these sexy blue peep-toe stilettos and an itty bitty leather skirt.
A quick crank or two of the car and VROOM!! She revs it a few times and drives around for a bit in these sexy blue peep-toe stilettos and an itty bitty leather skirt.
Kmo Driving The Monte-Carlo Over Too Cassandra’s Too Shoot Videos / Blue Patent Leather Peep-Toe Ankle-Straped Stiletto Sandals / 720 P MP4 HD
It’s nice day for a drive Kmo is going to drive the Monte-Carlo over to Cassandra’s too shoot some videos,she’s wearing a black sequin shoulder strap top over a black bra, black leather mini dress w / zipper on the side, blue patent leather ankle-strap peep-toed stiletto sandals. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Kmo gets in the Monte-Carlo and upper and some really nice footwell video of Kmo’s sexy size 7.5 feet as she cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal.
It only takes her two tries to get the Monte-Carlo started as she cranks the engine she presses down on the brake pedal with her left foot as she pumps the gas pedal with her right foot it only takes her under 30 seconds to get the engine started for the Monte-Carlo that’s fast. Kmo shifts into drive from park giving the engine a little bit of gas the car barely moves. Kmo forgot to release the emergency brake lever, she releases it she slowly goes down the driveway making a right turn from the driveway she stops at a stop sign and makes a left turn.
There’s hardly any traffic on the two lane back roads to Cassandra’s Kmo floors the gas pedal trying to go as fast as she can, she stops at a stop sign and makes a left turn she goes down the street aways and makes a left turn down the dirt road down to Cassandra’s driveway. Shish tells Kmo where to turn he tells her to park next to a tree. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Kmo shuts the engine off she has a big grin on her face. The End. Kmo you did a great driving video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look sexy in those blue patent leather peep-toed ankle strap stiletto sandals. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀