This last clip of this series shows Kristen having some more frustrations with the Volvo as it keeps stalling when she slows down at stop signs or intersections. She’s fiddling with the choke, doing real heel-toe pedal action (no, heel-toe is NOT how you pump the gas flexing at the ankle) and trying not to get herself stranded away from home. Driving, stalling, flooded/choked starts, stalling, revving, driving, stalling, cranking…etc.
Kristen Mixed In The Volvo / Black Leather Gloves & Tan Wedge Sandals /1080 I MP4 HD / Clip 3 Of 3
As we continue from clip two Kristen is about to make a right turn the Volvo chugs and lurches forward the engine dies on her, this does not make Kristen happy at all, with her left foot on the clutch she tries to get the Volvo to start back up. As she cranks and pumps the Volvo’s gas pedal the car rolls back a little bit. Kristen turns her right foot to the left the ball of her right foot is pressing down on the brake pedal wile she pumps the gas pedal with her right heel. Kristen also work the choke by pulling it in and out. It takes Kristen about close to two minutes to get the engine started, she might have shifted into third gear by mistake thinking she was in first gear.
Now that Kristen has the Volvo running she completes her right turn from the housing development, she goes down the street the Volvo is in third gear. Kristen pushes the clutch in and revs the engine a few times trying to get it to warm up some more. Shish is getting whole body video from the backseat from the right side of her head down to her feet, you can see her right foot really good as she works the gas pedal. Kristen goes down the street aways she turns into driveway shifts into reverse backs up continues down the street heading to Cassandra’s she makes a right turn she’s still in second gear, that was a mistake she didn’t get that far down the road when the engine started chugging the Volvo lurches a little bit and dies.
Kristen has to press down on the brake pedal with the ball of her right foot and work the gas pedal with her right heel cranking and pumping the Volvo’s gas pedal she works the choke a little bit gets the engine started in about a minute, this time it appears she’s in third gear thinking she was in first she tries letting off the clutch giving the engine gas it dies again, this time Shish gets out goes down the road aways getting video of the Volvo as Kristen fights the Volvo to get it to start after close to two minutes she gets the engine started she revs it really good.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Kristen shifts into first gear she gets the Volvo going down the road and parks the Volvo it it’s parking spot. The End. Kristen you did a great mixed three part series in the Volvo although the Volvo frustrated you a little bit you didn’t let the Volvo get to you you kept at it until the Volvo yielded to your will. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀