These flats were sent in by a fan and Layna does some great flooded cranking in the VW Bug. She gets it to sputter, cough and chug a lot but her constant pumping just ends up flooding the motor before it can clear itself out.
These flats were sent in by a fan and Layna does some great flooded cranking in the VW Bug. She gets it to sputter, cough and chug a lot but her constant pumping just ends up flooding the motor before it can clear itself out.
Layna Britain Cranking & Revving The VW Super-Beetle/ Black Ballet-flats / MP4 HD
Layna Britain is going to do a mixed video shes going to do a crank and rev tease in the VW super-beetle shes wearing a raspberry t-shirt,white pants/w holes above the knees, black ballet-flats, that look more like a pair of loafers her feet look sexy in them.
Layna gives you that look she starts the engine on the bug it starts right up she revs it a little bit for about ten or twenty seconds she then shuts the engine off she pumps the gas pedal close to ten or twenty times, now that the carburetor is flooded she precedes to do a crank and tease.
Shish is in the passenger seat getting great video hes getting both upper body and some really great footwell shots of Layna’s feet in those black ballet-flats they look more like a pair of loafers they have gold on the tung it looks more like a coat of arms, Layna pumps the gas pedal really good the engine sputters quite a bit with all that pumping if Layna lets up on pumping the gas pedal even the slightest the engine will start witch is a little unusual for the bug.
This is a short crank and rev clip only five minutes long, one thing is for sure Layna sure knows how to tease the way she looks at you wile shes cranking and pumping, shes not wearing any socks with her flats her feet sure look sexy with her left foot she presses down on the clutch wile with her right foot she cranks and pumps the gas pedal she seems to be having a really good time doing this video.
After doing a crank and tease for a couple of minutes she lets the engine start. I don’t think she held the gas pedal all the way down to clear out the carburetor she just let up on the pumping of the gas pedal the engine started right up. Layna revs the engine for close to a minute, Layna shuts the engine of again she pumps the gas pedal maybe no more then ten times to make sure she floods the carburetor really good, she gives the engine a short crank of about three seconds she pumps the gas pedal some more she cranks it again.
This time the engine doesn’t even so much as sputter at first, Layna keeps pumping the gas pedal as shes cranking now the engine is beginning to sputter as Layna is cranking and pumping her right foot must be getting hot and sweaty by now all that pumping of the bugs gas pedal,the engine keeps sputtering as Layna is cranking and pumping the bugs gas pedal she does this for about another minute she finally gives up she stops cranking and pumping the bugs gas pedal.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen she takes the keys out of the ignition she opens the drivers door she gets out. The End.
Layna you did a great crank and rev tease your feet in those black ballet-flats they sure look sexy in them, I’ve never seen a pair of Ballet-flats like what you had on. Shish your camera work as always great good work all! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀