This is a driving video with a short cranking segment in the beginning. This covers some of the recent requests I’ve had of wanting to see girls in corsets and gloves.
Lydia drives around while the main camera films looking at from the dash and the small pip cam is looking down the footwell of the car while she’s pumping the pedals. This was the first or second video I did with her, so she was still getting warmed up to everything and having to watch for my hand signals. lol This is also the last clip I have of her.
Lydia Vaughn Driving The Monte-Carlo / Black Leather Gloves & Black Leather Stiletto OTK Boots/ 720P WMV HD / PIP
Lydia is going to drive the Monte-Carlo first she has to get the Monte-Carlo started she’s wearing a two tone black & white corset, black leather gloves, black leather pants, black leather OTK Stiletto boots. It takes Lydia a little over two minutes to get the Monte-Carlo started up she pleads with it as the engine sputters one time and the battery gets slightly weak before the engine starts up.
Shish has two cameras set up one is PIP in the lower right corner of the screen getting footwell video from her knees down to her sexy size 7.5 feet as she struggles to get the Monte-Carlo to start and working the pedals as she drives through some of the neighborhood streets, and the other camera is mounted to the right of the rear view mirror getting whole body video as Shish gives hand signals telling Lydia where to turn so far the drive goes with out a hitch with the slight exception when Lydia turns into neighborhood she tries to backup so she can go back the way she came.
She had a little difficulty finding reverse it takes her about two or three tries before she finds reverse. Lydia backs up going back the way she came as she drives on some of the two lane roads, she doesn’t floor it at all she stays within the speed limit. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Lydia is driving on the road passing by some houses. The End. Lydia you did a great driving video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look sexy in those black leather OTK stiletto boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀