Madalynn is still gettin it in this z/28 on them country backroads! Her black leather ballet flats are workin them pedals oh so sexily!!
Madalynn is still gettin it in this z/28 on them country backroads! Her black leather ballet flats are workin them pedals oh so sexily!!
Madalynn Raye Cold-Starting & Driving The Camaro Z28 / Black Ballet Flats / Clip 2 Of 2 720 P MP4 HD
As we continue from clip one Madalynn is still driving the Z28 down the winding two lane roads she’s trying to gun the engine and go as fast as she can. Shish is getting footwell video of Madalynn’s sexy feet in those black ballet flats as her right foot works the gas and brake and gas pedals for about the first two minutes he then gets some upper body video as she turns into what looks like a parking lot at a high school. Madalynn turns around in the parking lot and she heads back to the house she makes a left turn from the high school parking lot and heads back to the house.
Madalynn floors it good trying to go as fast as she can. Shish doesn’t get any video of the instrument cluster in clip two so I can’t tell you how fast she’s going if I were to hazard a guess 50 MPH 55 MPH max, Shish gets upper body video one time after Madalynn makes the left turn he also gets video of the road through the windshield as she tries to go as fast as she can. With the exception of the two upper body shots Shish got in the first two or three minutes it’s almost all footwell video back to the house until Madalynn turns into the driveway and parks the Z28 right where this two park series began.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen as Madalynn turns into the driveway back at the house Shish gets some more upper body video as Madalynn puts the gearshift in park she unbuckles her seatbelt and shuts the engine off. The End.
Madalynn you did a great two part driving series your feet look sexy in those black ballet flats with ruffles. I can’t remember seeing a pair of womens ballet flats with ruffles on them before seeing this two part series. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀