They’re taking the Volvo this evening and they’re both all dressed up. Big coats, gloves and tall boots to help keep warm, especially in an old car with not-so-good heat. Madalynn tries getting the car started first but it’s such a piece of shit! She swaps with Vivian and Vivian is able to get it started after a lot of struggling. She revs it some to clear it out then backs down the driveway and out onto the road to head off…finally!
Madalynn & Vivian All Dressed Up In Leather Going Out for A Night On The Town( Madalynn & Vivian Having Trouble Getting The Volvo Started) Black Leather OTK & Brown OTK Leather Boots / 720P MP4 HD / Clip 1 Of 2
It’s getting dark Madalynn & Vivian are going out for a night on the town there going in the Volvo, the both of them walk from the house. Madalynn gets behind the steering wheel as Shish is shooting wide angle video as the both of them walk out to the Volvo, and whole body video from the back seat, and upper body video from the right side of Vivian’s head as she struggles to get the Volvo started, that’s later in the video.
Shish also shoots video all around the Volvo from the front of the Volvo and through the wing window on the drivers door. Now back to Madalynn struggling to get the Volvo to start she cranks and pumps the Volvo’s gas pedal it takes her close to two minutes to get the engine started, she revs it a little bit by mistake Madalynn shifts in third gear doesn’t move that far if at all, the engine dies on her. Vivian switches places with Madalynn now she’s going to give it a try.
Vivian pulls the choke in and out a few times as she struggles to get the Volvo to start it takes her close to four minutes to get the engine started, she revs the engine for close to two minutes to warm it up and make sure the engine will stay running. Shish is shooting whole body video as Vivian backs the Volvo out of the driveway, as clip one is ending. Vivian is stopped at a stop sign near the food-mart where they fill the fleet up sometimes.
What will clip two bring us? Will the engine stall-out at the stop sign? The Volvo has done that before. Or will the drive to where they want to go too go without any problems? We will have to wait and find out in clip two to see how this turns out. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀