Madalynn Gives Mall Cop Vivian a Ride to Squad Car, 1 of 2
March 27th, 2018
Vivian needs a ride to pick up her squad car that was put in the shop. Madalynn gets in her Jeep and starts cranking it while Vivian gets in on the passenger side. It takes Madalynn some tries to get the Jeep going and she drives over to the shop where Vivian’s car is. Vivian gets out and pulls the cover off of it to fire it up. It should be running good but it’s being stubborn and not wanting to start or stay running.
Madalynn & Vivian Mixed Multiple / Lite Brown Thigh High Leather Boots & Black Leather Thigh High Leather Boots /1080I MP4 HD / Clip 1 Of 2
Madalynn is going to drive Vivian over to the garage to where her patrol car was being work on she’s a mall cop for a shopping center and drives a gray 1974 Dodge Coronet, that’s all Madalynn has to do is get her jeep wangoneer to start it can be quite temperamental when first cold starting in the morning, that and it doesn’t help it rained the day before. The battery in the jeep it in not that good of shape Madalynn cranks and pumps the jeeps gas pedal for not even a minute when the battery dies on her.
With the right front passenger door open Vivian walks up and gets in the jeep, the jeep has a fresh battery Madalynn goes back to cranking and pumping the jeeps gas pedal, her feet must be getting hot and sweaty from all the pumping of the jeeps gas pedal she’s done. Vivian tells Madalynn not to flood the carburetor as she cranks and pumps the jeeps gas pedal, the engine backfires this startles the both of them.
Madalynn gets the jeep started now on the way to the garage Vivian hopes the mechanic fixed her patrol car, the drive over to the garage goes with out a hitch. Shish is getting whole body video from the backseat of the jeep getting great video from the right side of her head down to her sexy size 7.5 right foot as she works the gas and brake pedal, you’ll see whole body video of Vivian as she gets in the jeep and the back of her head as Madalynn drives down to the garage.
When Vivian gets out of the jeep Shish follows behind Vivian as she walks up to the Coronet getting whole body video. There’s a car cover over the Coronet. Vivian pulls part of it off just enough to where Vivian can get in and see if she can get the Coronet to start, she hopes the mechanic fixed her squad car. Shish is getting whole, upper and footwell video as Vivian cranks and pumps the Coronet’s gas pedal, the engine sputters and finally turns over as Shish also gets video of the exhaust as smoke comes out of the tailpipe.
The engine idles rough Vivian isn’t too happy about it as the engine keeps dieing on her she keeps cranking and pumping the Coronet’s gas pedal after the engine dies on her it does this about four or five times finally as Vivian keeps feathering the gas pedal after getting the engine started backup as it warms up a little bit it seems to smooth out a little bit, who knows maybe Vivian might get to work on time at the mall.
As clip one is coming to an end the engine is idling rough it sounds like one of the lifters is making a slapping sound. What will Vivian do? Will she be able to drive her squad car to the mall and go on patrol? Or will she leave her squad car at the garage so the the mechanic can work on it? We will have to wait to find out in part two of this two part series to find out. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀