Mandie is waiting on the front porch for Tinsley to show up. After becoming impatient, she decides to leave but her car won’t start. After pumping & cranking for a few minutes, she shoots a text to see where Tinsley is at and before trying to start the car again, she kicks off her leather heels, rubs her feet together a bit with her pantyhose and tries round 2 of starting the car. But still no luck and the battery is dying as well…
Mandie Cranking The Coronet Waiting On Tinsley / Black Leather Stiletto Pumps / Custom#157
It’s a cold chilly morning there’s snow still on the ground in parts of the yard. Mandie is outside on the porch waiting on Tinsley to come pick her up and drive the both of them to work, she’s a little bit late. Mandie tries calling Tinsley on her smart-phone it goes straight to voice mail either the battery is dead or she forgot to turn on her smart-phone. Mandie decides to drive her rust bucket green 1974 Dodge Coronet to work started it early in the day she also drove it day before the engine was running just fine.
That is until Mandie gets in the Coronet to start it up so she can drive to work the problem is the Coronet will not start she begs and pleads with it too start that might help some the engine will sputter now and then. Mandie will stop cranking about a minute she tries calling Tinsley she still is not answering her phone she also sends a text message to her. Mandie goes back to cranking and pumping the Coronet’s gas pedal. Mandie is wearing a black fleece, purple netted scarf, black pullover top, lite black mini skirt, black pantyhose, black leather stiletto pumps.
Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Mandie is standing on the front porch and as she walks to the Coronet and upper and some really great closeups on Mandie’s sexy size 8 feet as she cranks and pumps the Coronet’s gas pedal, after a couple of minutes pumping the gas pedal Mandie takes her shoes off her feet her right foot was beginning to hurt her from all the pumping of the gas pedal she done. Mandie tries calling Tinsley again nothing.
Mandie looks over to the right she though she saw something in the distance she locks her car doors just to play it safe. Mandie goes back to cranking and pumping the Coronet’s gas pedal the engine sputters on her a couple of times. With each turn of the ignition key the battery gets weaker and weaker, she pleads with the Coronet again, the battery is dead. Mandie puts her shoes back on her feet, she sees someone drive up on the driveway in there car it’s Tinsley this makes Mandie very happy. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Mandie is glad to see that Tinsley has come to pick her up. The end.
Mandie you did a great cranking video in the Coronet your feet look sexy in those black leather stiletto pumps. Who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it as much as I did. Shish your camera as always great. Good Work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀