Tinsley gets behind the wheel first and is wearing a white leather jacket, black shirt, orange pants and white boots while Mandie is wearing the same outfit except black leather jacket and black boots. They banter back and forth as neither girl is getting the car started but they both think they can do better job than the other.
The first half of the video is from the backseat watching them both go at while the second half of the video is from a passenger-side mounted camera that focus only on the driver.
Mandie & Tinsley Crank & Rev The Monte-Carlo Trying To Get It To Start / White Leather OTK Leather Boots & Black Leather Thigh High Boots / Two Cameras
It’s a nice day to go out for a drive Mandie & Tinsley are all decked out in leather there going to drive the Monte-Carlo, that is if they can get it to start. Tinsley gets behind the wheel first she’s wearing a white leather jacket, black leather pullover shirt, orange leather pants, white leather OTK boots. Mandie gets in the front passenger seat, she’s wearing a black leather jacket, black v-neck pullover shirt, orange pants, black thigh high leather boots. Shish is using two cameras one is on the hump in the backseat getting a whole body video you can see both Tinsley and Mandie’s sexy feet in there leather boots as they both struggle to get the Monte-Carlo to start.
Tinsley tries first she cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlos gas pedal for close to seven minutes she comes close to getting the engine to sputter, it didn’t really try to catch for about the first three or four minutes. The one thing that Mandie doesn’t want to do is when her friends asks her what she was doing, she doesn’t want to tell them she spent most of her day trying to there crappy car to start. Mandie asks if she could give it a try. Tinsley scoots over to the passenger seat while Mandie walks around the front of the car , she gets in and gives it a try for about a couple of minutes. Mandie doesn’t have any better luck.
Mandie gets out of the front seat by opening the drivers door she stands there for close to a minute before she walks around the front of the car. Tinsley scoots over from the passenger seat into the drivers seat, as Mandie stands there and walks around the front of the car. Tinsley gives it another try doing a mixture of pumping and holding the gas pedal all the way to the floor, that seems to be working some as the engine begins to come to life by sputtering now and then.
Tinsley keeps at it she gets the engine started and gets a few revs in before it dies on her, while the both of them try to get the get the Monte-Carlo to start the both of them talk back and forth, finally Tinsley gets the engine started, at about the seven minute mark the screen fades and you’ll see video from the go-pro camera mounted on the windshield on the passenger side shooting upper body video from the top of both Tinsley and Mandie’s heads down to a little below the knees as the both of them struggle to get the Monte-Carlo to start.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Tinsley has revved the engine a little bit as she’s about to shift in reverse. The End. Mandie you and Tinsley did a great crank & rev video in the Monte-Carlo the both of you have sexy feet in leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀