Morgan is having some major difficulty getting the Coronet started. She stabs the gas pedal with her white open-toe sandals over and over, pumping the gas fast in hopes that it will start. She pauses from occasionally with a puzzled look on her face as if she’s not sure what to do next, but then she keeps trying, her body bouncing in rhythm to the pumps.
While I’m a guy that likes girls that crank a car while wearing sneakers, this video ticks every other box. I think Morgan is one of the most beautiful creatures that I’ve ever seen. She cranks long, which I like. Her mannerisms are perfect. I’m a total sucker for a girl with brown eyes and long, curly brown hair. She’s so nice. I bet she’s also really super nice. I love how the Coronet is sputtering and fluttering while she’s cranking it. It’s just one of the best cranking videos due to the car, the girl and her style.