This is another clip that I found not too long ago of Nikki. It’s filmed with that crappy mini-cam system I had back then. She’s driving around town in the first Caddy we had and stops in a parking lot to do some hard revving towards the end.
This is another clip that I found not too long ago of Nikki. It’s filmed with that crappy mini-cam system I had back then. She’s driving around town in the first Caddy we had and stops in a parking lot to do some hard revving towards the end.
Nikki Driving & Revving The 81 Fleetwood / White Tube Socks & Brown Cowgirl Boots
Nikki is driving the 1981 Cadillac Fleetwood this video was shot maybe a little over four years ago. When Shish and Scarlet lived in the apartment. Shish was testing one of the first minicams that he brought.
As the video begins Nikki has just warmed up the engine shes about to back out of the garage shes driving over to a shopping center parking lot to do some revving. Nikki is wearing a white corset /w shoulder straps,sun glasses, denim miniskirt, white tube-socks, brown cowgirl boots. Nikki has backed out of the garage.
Shes driving down the apartment complex parking lot she makes a right turn out of the gate. Shish is using two cameras ones a minicam that one is getting footwell shots of, the other is mounted getting upper body shots.
A little later when they get to the shopping center parking lot. Nikki does some revving of the 81 Fleetwood’s big block V8 engine. Shish uses PIP a little bit when Nikki is revving the engine in the shopping center parking lot that one gets upper body shot for maybe about 30 or so seconds at the most the video quality wasn’t that good PIP went off after about 30 seconds.
Shish is getting great video of Nikki’s brown cowgirl as shes revving the Fleetwood, everything is going ok until about the last minute of the video without warning the engine died on Nikki she tries to restart the engine a couple of times nothing the starter doesn’t even so much as growl. Nikki says” did I kill the car” she laughs she thinks thats funny.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen PIP comes back on in the lower right of the screen getting an upper body shot, the rest of the video is of Nikki’s right boot as she gives the gas pedal a couple quick little pumps as she tries to get the Fleetwood to start it appears the battery died on her. The End.
Nikki you did a great driving and revving video, for those of you who like white tube-socks and brown cowgirl boots your going to like these boots too bad the battery died on you. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀