She hops in the bus with these brown colored authentic moccasin boots and begins trying to get this old thing to start. It’s not easy and you can hear the squeaky pedal linkage as she’s pumping the gas. She does get it started eventually and revs it up to clear the motor out.
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Paige Erin Turner Crank & Rev The VW Bus / Tan Moccasin Boots
Paige is going to do a crank and rev video in the bus shes wearing a white long sleeve shirt, denim jeans, tan moccasin boots. Paige gets in the bus she pumps the gas pedal a few times she turns the ignition key the engine wont start, the bus is on the driveway parked behind the Volvo, the Volvo is in the garage. Paige keeps cranking and pumping the buses gas pedal the engine sputters quite a bit it even teases her a couple of times.
Shish is using two cameras both are mini-cams ones mounted on top of the drivers door getting video over Paige’s left shoulder getting a whole body shot you also see the instrument cluster and the Volvo through the windshield you can also see Paige’s left foot on the clutch and her right foot pumping the gas pedal, the other mini-cam is mounted under the dashboard getting video of the top of Paige’s right foot as she pumps the gas pedal.
It takes Paige 4 min 28 sec to get the bus to start before she gets it started the engine almost starts a couple of times. Paige rides the starter a couple of times before she gets the engine to start. Now that Paige has the bus running she gives the engine a mild revving not a hard or gentle revving more like a mild revving about a little over the last two minutes of the video, through out the video Paige does a mixture of talking and pleading with the bus to get it too start.
For those of you who like tan moccasin boots your going to like these boots they look sexy on her feet. After close to a minute of revving the engine Paige shuts off the engine she pumps the gas pedal about close to ten times maybe to try to flood the carburetor. Paige turns the ignition key the engine starts right up she goes back to giving the engine a mild revving for the rest of the video, the engine tries to cut out a few times Paige keeps pumping the gas pedal giving the engine gas too keep it from stalling on her.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Paige is still giving the engine mild revving. The End.
Paige you did a great crank and rev video in the bus the way you pumped the gas pedal it takes you 4 min 28 sec you got to start. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
hi paige your lovely hose and nylons lovely hair lots of love rayxx vws bmw2002