Paige makes it to work just in the nick of time but finds out she doesn’t have to work today. She is NOT happy about all of her stress and wasted time. She’s ranting in the car as she pulls out of her parking space and the car dies as she’s crossing the parking lot. She takes off her shoes and tries starting the car in her nylon-clad feet. She’s threatening to scrap the car as it won’t start. She finally gets it going again and her drive home is just as aggressive and full of pedal pumping as her drive to work.
Paige Erin Turner Crank & Drive The Coronet / Pink Strap Stiletto Pumps Clip 3 Of 4
As we continue from clip two Paige walks back too the Coronet shes angry with her boss it turns out she didn’t have too come in after all” she says to herself ” she could have been sitting home in her pj’s eating a bowl of cereal watching TV with PIP up in the upper left of the screen getting upper body shots the rest of the screen is footwell shots from the mini cam mounted behind the pedals on the floorboard.
Paige puts her black leather gloves on she starts the engine up she puts her right foot on the brake pedal as she turns the ignition key now that the engine is running she puts the gear shift in drive she doesn’t go that far she stops so she can take her shoes off they are hurting her feet, the engine is idling it takes her close too 30 seconds to get her shoes off her feet because of the buckles wile the engine is idling the engine dies wile Paige is taking her shoes off after she gets her shoes off Paige tries to get the engine restarted.
The engine sputters a few times Paige is cranking and pumping the Coronet, the battery doesn’t sound that strong it sounds like it could die any second at first. Paige doesn’t pump the gas pedal at first she does after the third time after about a minute she holds down the gas pedal trying to clear out the excess gas in the carburetor she has to do this about three or four times before the engine starts up, wile shes cranking the Coronet she pounds on the steering wheel demanding that it start up.
Now that Paige has the Coronet started she puts the gear shift in drive shes heading back home the traffic is heavy on the way back this is frustrating to Paige she going slow it takes a couple of minutes to get through the traffic once she does this she able to go faster now too much faster after about three minutes either vibrations from something was making the mini cam behind the pedals vibrate maybe the engine the mini cam came lose Shish put the mini cam back in place.The drive back home continued without any more problems.
Paige is driving down the street that she lives on shes happy that she home she turns into the driveway she puts the gear shift in reverse to back the Coronet into its parking place she puts the gear shift in park she shuts off the engine she opens the rivers door the buzzer goes off she picks up her pink strap stiletto heels she puts them back on so she can walk into the house .
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen Paige gets out of the Coronet she closes the door.
What will clip four bring us? Will we get another camera angle maybe from a hand held camera? We will have to wait and find out until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀