Pepper does a little revving for you guys today in a pair of white/pink New Balance sneakers. It’s a little chilly, so getting some heat into the motor will do the body good!
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Pepper Revving The Coronet / White / Pink New Balance Sneakers
Its a little bit cold outside Pepper is going too do a revving video for us members.Pepper is wearing a plum sweater, blue jeans, white & pink New Balance Sneakers. As the video begins Pepper tells all the members “that shes going to do a revving video and that you all enjoy it.” Pepper turns the ignition key it takes the engine about five seconds for it to start. The engine must have been started earlier because Pepper didn’t prime the carburetor when she turned the ignition key she barely pumped the gas pedal two times.
Now that the engine is running Pepper is giving the engine mild revving. Shish is getting great video hers getting a mixture of upper body and great footwell shots of peppers feet in those New Balance sneakers, can’t tell if shes wearing them with socks because of her blue jeans the pant leg in down too her sneakers.
This is a short video only five minutes long. Shish is shooting video from the rear getting video of the exhaust as Pepper is revving the engine a little later Pepper opens the drivers side door Shish gets a mixture of upper body and footwell shots.As Pepper presses down on the gas pedal she arches her right foot a couple of times wile shes revving it.
As the video is coming to an end pepper tells the members that she hopes that you enjoyed the video there’s some driving I need to do. So one of the next videos that Pepper might do is maybe a driving video in the Coronet. :Think2:
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Pepper is still revving the Coronet. The End.
Pepper you did a great revving video those New Balance sneakers they look sexy on your feet. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Love these sneaks, Cranking video please in them!