This was the last video of the day with Petra and I wanted her to try and put the Coronet on the driveway. I love having some of these cars parked on the dirty/muddy incline at the side so that it makes it very hard to move them. Petra is bundled up because it’s cooold out and she begins cranking the Coronet. The Coronet takes a good while to start and even after some warming up, it still keeps conking out. She tries backing the car up far enough so that she can avoid running over the bushes when pulling on to the driveway. But all she gets is wheel spinning and tire smoke from the Coronet.
Petra Cranking & Trying To Get Unstuck In The Coronet / Beige Boots
This is the last video of the day Shish has Petra try to move the Coronet its parked on a incline out on the dirt this makes it hard to move the cars. Petra is wearing a green shirt, brown leather coat, brown leather gloves, beige boots its really cold outside its dark out.
Petra gets in the Coronet she has a little trouble getting the key in the ignition it takes her about 30 seconds to get the key in with her right foot on the brake pedal she turns the key the engine sputters and dies she tries again, Petra doesn’t really pump the gas pedal shes really trying to get the Coronet to start shes holding the gas pedal all the way to the floor too clear out the carburetor because the Coronet has an electric fuel pump, Petra gets the engine started she gets a couple good revs out the engine the mistake shes making is she doesn’t rev it for at least a minute to let the engine warm up she lets the engine idle and it dies on her.
Petra gets the engine too start about three or four times she gets too rev it two or three times before it dies again it takes Petra close to four minutes to get it started so she can get the Coronet up on the driveway where Shish wants it, the Coronet had other ideas. Petra sits for about 30 or so seconds shes tapping the gas pedal with her right foot, Petra tries again she hold the gas pedal all the way down trying to clear out the carburetor the battery is getting weak Petra wont get too many more tries to get the Coronet to start.
Finally after 4:min 36 sec Petra gets the engine started she revs it good to make sure it will stay running, Petra has her left foot on the brake pedal with her right foot shes revving the engine good. Shish is getting upper body and footwell shots as Petra is revving the engine a later he gets video of the left rear tires as shes spinning the tires. Petra releases the emergency brake she lets the engine idle it dies on her this doesn’t make Petra happy it takes two tries Petra gets the engine started back up she revs it good and loud a couple of times to make sure it will stay running.
Petra puts the gear shift in reverse it dies again Petra waits about 20 or so seconds to try again she gets it started Petra puts the gear shift in reverse this time she gets the tires spinning she digging a pretty good hole there’s smoke coming from the left tire as Petra tries to get unstuck the Coronet will not move an inch Petra keeps trying shes turning the steering wheel left and right hoping this will help get her unstuck it does no good.
If Petra would put the gear shift in drive and go forward just a couple of feet and put the gear shift back in reverse that might do the trick, the engine dies on Petra again she says” oh my gosh!” this startles Petra she puts the gear shift in park she doesn’t seem to know what to do nest, Petra has a little trouble getting the Coronet to start she pumps the gas pedal about three times it starts right up she revs the engine good to make sure it stays running she puts the gear shift in reverse she tries getting unstuck again she will do this for about a little over two minutes there’s still smoke coming from the tires as shes trying to backup on the driveway.
After close to five minutes of trying to get unstuck Petra has had enough of the Coronet for the day its been a long day of shooting videos, Petra shuts off the engine.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen Petra opens the door she doesn’t look happy as shes getting out she closes the drivers side door. The End.
Petra you did a great job of trying to get the Coronet unstuck with it being so cold and dark outside. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀