We make it to the grocery store where she lets me out by the door and then drives to find a parking spot and wait while I run in to get stuff. She sits with the car idling while checking her phone. Her right boot is on the brake pedal and she sits there…and sits there…on her phone. Never mind that there is a camera on her and now would be a perfect time to do a little bit of fun, playful revving. But nope, she’s absorbed by her phone….so, yeah, sorry about that guys. These girls tend to forget they’re on the clock when a camera is on them and fucking around with your phone isn’t part of the gig.
Whatever, I digress….she comes and picks me up and we start the drive back home. Part 3 will be coming in just a moment since this update was lacking.
Princess Driving The Super-Beetle To The Supermarket( Cranks The Engine Kills The Battery – Is Quite Chatty) Well Worn Gray Mid Calf Leather Boots / 720P WMV HD / Clip 2 Of 3 / PIP
As we continue from clip one the drive over to the supermarket goes without any problems Princess drops Shish near the door of the supermarket, she finds a parking space and parks the bug, she sends a text message on her smartphone and listens to some music, while her right foot is on the brake pedal.
Shish is inside the supermarket he comes out Princess backs out of the parking space and picks him up, now she drives them back to HQ, as clip two is ending Princess is driving back to HQ, clip three will be coming up in just a bit, she you then. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂