This was back when the original GoPro’s were the latest thing. While they were great to put in tight places, they weren’t the best quality. I had one camera up on the passenger rear window and one behind the pedals. Since the view from the backseat doesn’t show her working the pedals that well, I’m going to post part 2 at the same time since it’s the pedal-view of the same segment. I should have done this clip as a picture-in-picture setup but didn’t.
Princess has some issues getting the Bug started but she does finally get it going and drives around for a while. This is the behind-the-pedals view.
Princess Crank & Drive The Super-Beetle ( Using Go-Pro Cameras When They Were The Latest Thing) Black Leather OTK Boots / Clips 1 & 2 Of 3 & 4
Princess is going for a drive in the VW Super-Beetle first she has to get it started up it’s being a little bit temperamental. Shish is using two go-pro cameras in clip one the camera is mounted in the back up on the passenger window with a section cup that one is whole body video from the right side of her body down to her knees, you don’t see her feet in clip one. In clip two it’s footwell video there’s a go-pro camera mounted behind the gas pedal it looks like it’s mounted above the gas pedal.
The way the go-pro is mounted behind the gas pedal it looks like Princess is pressing her right foot on your face as she pumps the gas pedal trying to get the bug to start, she stops cranking and gets out and walks to the back of the bug then she gets back in, it takes her a few seconds to figure out how to either move the seat up or back a little bit can’t tell for sure witch way she did. Shish is not in the bug. Princess is solo in the bug.
Princess is wearing a black short sleeve leather blouse, black leather leggings, black leather OTK stiletto boots. Princess readjusts the drivers seat she gets the bug fired up she has a little bit of trouble shifting into reverse, she might have forgot to shift into neutral before shifting into reverse, after shifting into reverse she backs up then shits into first gear and makes a left turn from the driveway. Princess goes down the street she turns around and drives back towards HQ, she then makes a right turn from the stop sign.
The drive goes without a hitch so far will the bug continue to behave itself? Or will it stall out at a stop sign or a traffic light? We will have to wait and find out in clip 3 & 4 in this four part series and find out, and also see how these go-pros worked out in this four part series. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀