These are the last clips I have of Prue. This two-parter is of her cranking, driving, stalling, cranking & driving in the old Monte Carlo. She’s wearing a pair of old boots for this clip.
This first clip is of her getting the car started, driving around and near the end, she stalls it out turning around.
Prue Mixed In The Monte-Carlo / Vintage Tan Knee High Leather Boots/ Clip 1 Of 2
It’s a nice day to go for a drive Prue is going to drive the Monte-Carlo she has on a pair of vintage tan leather knee high leather boots. Prue is wearing a red tank top, denim mini skirt, tan vintage knee high leather boots. Shish is shooting a mixture of whole body video as she walks from the house to the Monte-Carlo, now that’s all Prue has to do is get the Monte-Carlo to start so she can go on her drive.
Prue gets in she puts the key in the ignition she turns the key the engine is being it’s old temperamental self, it wont start. Shish is shooting a mixture of upper and footwell video as she struggles to get the Monte-Carlo to start. Prue doesn’t pump the gas pedal to aggressively she uses a combination of not pumping the gas pedal to pumping the gas pedal three or four times, she’s trying not to flood the carburetor. Prue gets the engine started one time she gets a rev or two in before the engine dies on her.
As Prue is cranking she doesn’t let the Monte-Carlo get to her she’s chewing a piece of gum as she tries to get the Monte-Carlo to start, it takes Prue two minutes to get the Monte-Carlo to start she revs the engine to warm it up and clear out what excess gas is in the carburetor. Now that Prue has the engine warmed up she shifts into drive she makes a right turn from the driveway and a another turn from the stop sign.
Shish also shoots some video through the windshield as she drives down some of the winding two lane back roads, she turns into someones driveway backs up going back the way she came. The drive is going without a hitch so far that is until she turns into a parking lot, she backs out of the parking space to go back the way that she came, then it happen.
With out any warning the Monte-Carlo dies on her. Prue is caught off guard she doesn’t know what to do at first, she tries to get the the Monte-Carlo started the gearshift is still in reverse she puts it in park, she tries again, she doesn’t really pump the gas pedal for the first two or three tries getting the Monte-Carlo started backup. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Prue is still trying to get the Monte-Carlo started.
Clip one is coming to an end. What will Prue do? Will she keep trying hopping she can get the Monte-Carlo started? Or will she kill the battery? We will have to wait and find out in in clip two in this two park series. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀