She gets the crash course before we start filming and then I turn her loose. There’s a lot of pedal work when driving this bus around these back roads. These shiny blue strap wedges show off her toes and heel perfectly!
She gets the crash course before we start filming and then I turn her loose. There’s a lot of pedal work when driving this bus around these back roads. These shiny blue strap wedges show off her toes and heel perfectly!
Rae Getting A Crash Course On Driving The VW Bus For The First Time / Lite Blue Open-Toed Cork Wedge Sandals / 1080I MP4 HD
Shish gives a crash course to Rae on how to drive the VW bus she’s wearing a dark blue sweater, white pullover shirt w/ blue trim, faded denim jeans, lite blue open toed cork wedge sandals. Rae familiarizes herself with the buses gears she turns the ignition key she has to give the buses gas pedal a few pumps before the engine starts. Rae revs the engine a little bit before she shifts into reverse, she has no trouble backing the bus out of it’s parking spot at Cassandra’s.
Rae is having a good time driving the bus so far as she makes a left turns from the dirt road from Cassandra’s, for this being the first time driving the bus for the first time. Rae knows her way round a stick shift as she makes left and right turns, she turns the bus into a parking space maybe at a food mart, she has a little bit of trouble backing out of the parking space maybe because of cars going by her behind her. Rae backs out her parking space makes a right turns she shifts through the gears with no problem.
Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Rae gets in the bus and upper and some really great footwell video of Rae’s sexy size 8 feet in those lite blue open toed wedge sandals( At least I think they are size 8 feet I could be wrong on that.) Shish also shoots video at the windshield as she’s driving on the mountain back roads, from what I can tell it doesn’t appear she driving too fast she’s not going over the speed limit. Rae takes to the bus like a duck out of water it’s like she’s been driving the bus for years.
Rae gets the engine rpms up some as she shifts through the gears. Rae turns down the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway and parks the bus next to the Cadillac Coupe-De-Ville right where this video first started. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Rae parks the bus and shuts the engine off. The End. Rae you did a great driving video in the bus your feet look sexy in those lite blue wedge sandals. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀