Out for a cruise in the old bus wearing some jeans, a tshirt and blue Converse sneakers with white laces and polka dots. This is a ‘normal’ drive because this was when we were trying to get some miles on the new motor.
Out for a cruise in the old bus wearing some jeans, a tshirt and blue Converse sneakers with white laces and polka dots. This is a ‘normal’ drive because this was when we were trying to get some miles on the new motor.
Rae Driving The VW Bus( Putting Miles On It Breaking In New Motor) Blue Converse High Top Sneakers W/ White Stripes & White Polka-Dots / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to break in a new motor on the bus. Rae is going to take the bus out for a little drive around the neighborhood, from where they park the PTP fleet down the street from HQ. Rae is wearing a black v-neck short sleeve pullover shirt, denim jeans, blue Converse high top sneakers w/ white stripes & white polka-dots. Rae has no trouble getting the bus started up the new motor fires up without the carburetor being primed by giving the gas pedal a few pumps so the bus might have been driven earlier in the day.
Rae has a little bit of trouble shifting into reverse it takes her two or three tries before she gets the gearshift into reverse, once she does this she backs up from where the bus is parked she then shifts into first gear and makes a right turn from the driveway and goes down the street a little bit before she makes a left turn on a street so she can backup and go back where she came from. Shish is shooting a mixture of upper and some really nice closeups of Rae’s sexy size 8.5 feet as they work the gas, brake and clutch as she drives around some of the neighborhood streets making left and right turns.
Shish points the camera where the seat-belt should be buckled, it not buckled in the lap part of it is draped across her lap, she’s having a good time driving the bus. The drivers door window is rolled down all the way as she drives past dogs walking on the side of the road and a car backing out of the driveway as she makes a left turn down a neighborhood street.
The drive is going smoothly Rae isn’t going that fast the gearshift is in third gear so she’s probably going no more then 25 MPH 30 MPH max with the motor being newly rebuilt Shish doesn’t want her going to fast until it has more miles on it so it loosens up some and gets broken in. Rae turns into the driveway back at HQ and parks the bus on the driveway not too far from the garage.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Rae has stopped the bus on the driveway and shut off the engine. The End Rae you did a great job driving the bus and breaking in the new motor, your feet look sexy in those blue Converse high top sneakers w/ white stripes & white polka-dots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀