She takes the Bus on a cruise to put some miles on that new motor. She’s a pretty good stick shift driver and takes to the Bus with relative ease. Not driving it too hard but taking it’s through the paces so that one day, very soon, she can lay into it. 🙂
Rae Driving The VW Bus Breaking In New Motor / Red Slide Sandals & Barefoot / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a nice day for a drive the bus has a new motor Rae is going to break it in by putting some miles on the engine. Rae is wearing a denim jacket, black pullover shirt,black leather pants, red slide sandals, barefoot,since the motor is new and needs breaking in. It takes Rae a little over a minute of cranking and pumping the buses gas pedal before the engine starts up after giving the engine a gentle revving she backs out of the parking spot at Cassandra’s it takes a couple of tries before she can back out of the spot where the bus is parked.
Rae slowly goes down the driveway on the dirt road and makes a right turn she gives the engine a little bit of gas not getting the engine rpms up there as she shifts through the gears making left and right turns, the engine stalls on her at a stop sign she has no trouble getting the engine restarted backup as Rae’s sexy size 8 bare-feet work the pedals she has black toenail polish on her toes.
Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Rae walks up to the bus from the house and upper and some really great closeups of her right foot as she pumps the gas pedal trying to get the buses new engine started, the drive is going fine Rae has no trouble shifting the gears she can drive a stick shift really good, the video is almost over as Rae heads back to Cassandra’s and parks the bus. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Rae is backing the bus up and going forward a couple of times parking the bus just right, she leaves the gearshift in gear and pulls the parking brake and shuts the engine off.
The End. Rae you did a great driving video in the bus your feet look sexy in both red slide sandals and barefoot. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀