Driving along in the old Jeep with Raquel in her overalls and cowgirl boots. She gets to where the cars are parked but not without sliding on the muddy driveway a little — this will prove to be more challenging later. She parks the car and videos fades out…
Video fades in with us leaving but the Jeep is not starting. Gotta love hot starts with these girls! She takes a while to get the Jeep started but she’s persistent. She gets it going finally and goes to turn the car around. She finds herself in a bind because she’s a little stuck trying to climb up the incline. The tires spin a little and she’s just trying to work the process and get the car going without stalling it.
Unfortunately, she’s stuck and stalled. She cranks the Jeep again but gets it started pretty quickly and tries moving again. The tires spin a little but she stays in it to let them get traction and creep forward. The Jeep stalls on her again…after some more cranking and pumping, it fires up and she keeps trying to make it through the mud. You can hear the mud hitting against the wheel wells as they chew through soft ground and she lets up off the gas too quick and the Jeep stalls again…
Awesome control…awesome pumper…cool and collected but a little pissed…easy on the eyes…what more could we ask for?