She jams the gear selector into park, twists the key and starts pumping on the gas pedal. It takes her a few tries to get it to fire up again and she puts it into drive. As she mashes on the gas, you can hear the tires spinning. You can hear the nervousness in her voice hoping the car will move forward but when she lets off the gas, the car stalls. She quickly jams it into park and twists the key again, quickly pumping the gas and begging the car to start but it’s being stubborn. She gets it going again, gives it a hard rev and then puts it in drive to try and get out again. The Jeep finally comes free and she can head down the driveway.
“It seems the car likes it rough.” she says to herself, glad she’s moving now. When she pulls onto the road and starts accelerating, you can hear all that mud being flung off the tires. It finally quietens down and she can finish her drive.