Riley & Jane hop in the old the ’72 Super to take it for a spin but Riley can’t get it started. She’s wearing a pair of cuffed jeans, black & white snake print sandals and has this soft shade of pink on her toenails. She cranks the car for a while but she can’t get it started. She puts a break in her attempts to take a breather while Jane mentions how she loves Riley’s toes. She goes to start it after the break and it finally fires up. She gives it some good revving to clear it out.
Riley & Jane Mixed In The Super-Beetle( Jane Shoots Almost All This Video – Riley Pumped The Gas Pedal A Little Too Much Maybe Flooding The Carburetor / Black & White Snakeskin Sandals / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a nice day Riley is going to do some revving in the Super-Beetle first she has to get it started hard to tell the last time it had been started and driven. Jane is shooting almost all of this video with the exception of about the last thirty or so seconds.
Riley is wearing a gold colored pullover short sleeve top, denim capri jeans , black & white snakeskin sandals. Jane shoots whole body video as Riley gets in and upper and some really nice close ups of Riley’s sexy size 6 feet as her right foot works the gas pedal giving it a really good pumping either she pumped the gas pedal too much and flooded the carburetor or the choke didn’t slam down the way that it should, either way the engine would not start.
After cranking and pumping the bug’s gas pedal for close to three minutes Riley stops cranking letting it sit for a little bit hopping the carburetor will clear out of gas, while Riley & Jane sit waiting for the carburetor to clear out Riley talk back and forth some Jane comments on Riley’s feet looking pretty with lite pink toenail polish.
Riley gives it another try the engine fires right up she revs good for close to the last minute of the video. Shish takes the camera from Jane and shoots wide angle video from the front for about the last minute before Riley shuts the engine off, Jane gets out and is about to get in the bus it’s parked next to the bug.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Riley & Jane get out of the bug Jane is getting in the drivers seat of the bus, maybe will will see a mixed video in the bus with Jane driving and Riley in he front passenger seat. The End. Riley you did a great mixed video in the bug your feet look sexy in those black & white snakeskin sandals. Jane you and Shish camera work great. Good Work all!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂