This first clip is Riley trying to leave in the old 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo but can’t get it started. She’s got these tall vintage cowgirl boots on with some knee high socks and daisy dukes. This entire first clip is her trying and trying hard to crank this old clunker!
Riley & Scarlet Mixed In The Monte-Carlo( Riley Really Flooded The Carburetor Really Good Needs Pointers From Scarlet To Get It Started) Black & Lite Brown Cowgirl Boots / Clip 1 Of 2
It’s a nice sunny day as Riley walks out to the Monte-Carlo it’s parked off the driveway on the grass next to a tree near the house. Riley is wearing a pink tank top over a dark gray bra,Daisy Duke faded shorts, white tube socks w/ black stripes at the knee, vintage black & lite brown cowgirl boots. Shish is shooting whole body video as Riley walks out to the Monte-Carlo parked off the driveway on the grass near a tree next to the house, and upper and footwell video from the drivers side as Riley struggles to get the Monte-Carlo to start.
Shish gets in the front passenger seat within about a minute after Riley gets in she gives the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal a really good pumping of the gas pedal as the engine sputters, the engine seems to want to to start, from what I can tell it doesn’t appear that Riley held the gas pedal all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor of excess gas, she’s pumped the gas pedal so much even though the engine seems to want to turn over, it looks like Riley flooded the carburetor really good.
What’s Riley to do? Either she keeps cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal, right now even though the battery is good and strong she might have at least five more minutes of cranking power in the battery before it quits on her, maybe if Scarlet comes out from the house and gives Riley a few pointers on how to clear out the carburetor of excess gas. As clip one is coming to an end Riley is still trying to get the Monte-Carlo to start.
What will clip two bring us? What type of pointers will Scarlet give Riley? Will Riley have to taker her vintage cowgirl boots off her feet as well as her with her white tube socks w/ black stripes, at the very least her feet must be getting really hot from all the pumping of the gas pedal she did or at the most a swamp from all the pumping of the gas pedal she did in that short time. We will have to wait and find out in clip two. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀