She opens the door and gives you a little boot tease by propping up her boot on the door sill. She’s wearing a black leather jacket, black sweater dress, black leather gloves and shiny black knee-high boots. She hops in and starts cranking the Camaro’s engine over to get it started. It’s being reluctant to start and it takes her a good while to get it started. When she gets it fired up, she romps on it a few times and giggles because she loves the sound of the loud engine!
She gets out on the road and starts driving but it’s been raining, so she’s careful not to crash and die us. lol
Rockell Starbux Mixed In The Camaro Z28 / Raining On And Off During The Day / Black Leather Gloves & Black Leather Thigh High Boots / Clip 1 Of 2
It has been raining on and off all day long Rockell wants to go on a drive in her red 1977 Camaro Z28, she has on this new outfit she hopes you’ll like. Rockell is wearing a black leather jacket,black sweater dress,black leather gloves, black leather thigh high boots. Rockell opens the drivers doors she lifts her sexy size 10 right foot on the door sill showing her right leather thigh high boots.
The Camaro is parked in front of the garage behind the 2001 Camaro the garage door is open as she gets in that’s all she has to do is get the Z28 to start. With it raining on and off all day the Camaro Z28 can be a real pain in the ass to start, today is no different. Rockell has a little bit of trouble getting the key in the ignition, after she gets the key in she primes the carburetor by giving the gas pedal a few pumps, she turns the ignition key the engine will not start, the engine will not even try to catch.
Rockell stops cranking somebody left the heater on the blower motor was on high it takes Rockell a few seconds to figure out how to turn the heater off, now that the heater is off she goes back to cranking and pumping the Camaro’s gas pedal, she stops cranking for and lets it sit for about half a minute before she goes back to cranking and pumping the Camaro’s gas pedal.
Rockell pleads with it to start a couple of times while she’s cranking, finally after a little over four minutes cranking and pumping the Camaro’s gas pedal the engine is trying to catch it wants to come to life, by now Rockell’s sexy size 10 right foot must be hot and sweaty and a swamp in her black leather thigh high boots. The engine starts up finally, Rockell revs the engine a little bit to warm it up and to clear out the carburetor of any excess gas. Rockell shifts into reverse and backs up from the garage.
Now Rockell makes a right turn from the driveway the drivers door window is rolled down all the way, it’s stop raining for now. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as she gets in the Camaro, and upper and footwell video of her sexy size 10 feet in her black leather thigh high boots. As clip one is coming to an end. Rockell is driving having fun driving she hopes men will see her driving the the red classic Camaro. What will clip two bring us? Will the Camaro behave itself while Rockell is driving?
Will the engine stall on her at either a stop sign or a traffic light? The Camaro has done that before quite a few times to models driving the Camaro. We will have to wait to see what happens in clip two to find out. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀