Rockell has on this itty bitty retro dress with some knee high moccasin boots as she heads out to do some pedal pumping. She first starts with the Monte Carlo. It doesn’t want to start, even with her sweet talking and begging it. She then moves to the Blazer, which gives her the same thing…nothing. Her last chance is in the VW Bus. She climbs in the drivers seat, gives it some quick pumps and turns the key…success!! She gets all excited and begins revving the bus aggressively.
2 thoughts on “Rockell Starbux Pedal Pumping Cars in Moccasin Boots”
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man — i love this chick. The fuller figure, the “pushing of the boundaries (i think you know what im talking about)”, etc etc. I cant wait to see more of her.
Rockell Starbux Cranking & Revving Multiple Cars / Brown Moccasin Boots / WMV HD
Rockell Starbux is going for a drive shes wearing two toned white dress with blue and gold trim mid thigh, brown moccasin boots, first she gets in the Monte-Carlo with the drivers door open Shish is getting upper and footwell shot s as Rockell tries to start the Monte-Carlo she cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo she it teases her one time she only is able to crank it for close to 2:25 seconds, Rockell says” please don’t give me any trouble today.” As shes cranking and pumping if she held down the gas pedal all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor I think it might have started, hey whats the fun in that. LoL 😛 😛 😛 😛
Rockell keeps cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo pleading with it too please start until the battery is almost dead. Rockell takes the keys out of the ignition she walks over too the Blazer its backed up against a tree there’s bushes around the Blazer as Rockell gets in she rolls down the window on the drivers door Shish walks up too the drivers window as Rockell puts the keys in the ignition she pumps the gas pedal a couple of times she turns the key the engine wont start ( you don’t think Vanna turning the engine into confetti had any thing to do with Rockell having trouble starting the Blazer??LoL 😛 😛 )just thinking out loud. LoL. 😛 😛 Rockell keeps trying too get the Blazer to start too no avail, Rockell pleads with the Blazer to start as the battery is getting weaker as she keeps cranking and pumping the Blazer, finally Rockell gives up on the blazer with the battery so weak it look like its not going to start. Rockell takes the keys out of the ignition she walks over to the VW bus.
Now that Rockell has walked over to the bus Shish is right behind her as she opens the drivers side door she gets in the bus, with the drivers door still open Rockell has a little trouble getting the key in the ignition she has to try a couple of times before getting the key in the ignition now that the key is in she turns it the engine starts right up.
This makes Rockell happy that the bus started right up shes revving the engine really good she letting out some whooping and yeah haaaaa’s and she has a big smile on her face as shes revving the engine. Rockell says ” flower power!” as she continues too rev the engine Shish is getting great video of Rockell’s right boot as shes revving the engine she presses the gas pedal all the way too the floor as the engine roars really loud.
Shish walks to the rear of the bus getting video of the exhaust as Rockell revs the engine really loud, Shish walks over to the passenger side he opens the passenger side door at first he’s getting whole body shots of Rockell then he gets footwell shots of Rockell pressing down on the gas pedal revving the engine then closeups of Rockell face as she teases and flirts with the camera she loosens the strings on the top of her dress she lets the dress down just a little bit just enough to where yo u see a little bit of the right side of her bra.
The dress is retro 1960’s era its more of what women who were hippies would ware back in that time period. The engine almost cuts out on Rockell she keeps revving it until it stops trying to cut out on her.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen as Rockell is still revving the engine she turns too the camera she waves with her right arm. The End.
Rockell you did a great job cranking and revving all three cars for those of you who like brown moccasin bots your going to like these. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀