She still can’t get the damn car started this morning…she’s going to be so so late! Lots of begging the car to start, she NEEDS to keep this job!
She still can’t get the damn car started this morning…she’s going to be so so late! Lots of begging the car to start, she NEEDS to keep this job!
RockettGirl Cranking The Coronet Late For Work Tan Leather Boots / Clip 2 Of 2
As we continue from clip one RockettGirl is still trying to get the Coronet to start, she’s still pleading and trying to coax the old beast to start too no avail. The engine sputters quite a bit it looks like RockettGirl has flooded the carburetor with all that pumping of the gas pedal, her right foot must be hot and sweaty in those tan boots by now.
RockettGirl keeps trying she’s talking to herself through out the video she’s able to get the engine to start now and then just long enough to barley get a slight rev in before the engine dies on her. Shish is still using three cameras getting video from different angles as RockettGirl tries to get the Coronet to start so she can get to work and hopefully not be too late.
Sad to say after close to eighteen minutes of cranking and pumping the Coronet’s gas pedal it looks like RockettGirl isn’t going too drive the Coronet, she’s going to have to call someone to come and pick her up, the battery is beginning to get a little weak now as RockettGirl keeps cranking and pumping the Coronet’s gas pedal she’s about to give up.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen RockettGirl stops cranking she opens the drivers door she gets out and goes back in the house, too call someone to come pick her up and also call a tow truck for the Coronet. The End.
RockettGirl you did a great cranking two part series in the Coronet, your feet look really sexy in those tan leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀