“I don’t know why she just died on me…” she says, looking at the camera. She starts pumping the gas because, well, it’s a time-honored tradition. She gets the car to sputter after pumping it a lot but it doesn’t start all the way up. She goes back through the process a few times and only gets the same results – a sputtering car that won’t start.
She battles with car for a while trying to get it started but finally wins out, yes! She gives it some good hard revs before suggesting that her revving sounds a little dangerous, so maybe now is a good time to stop while she’s ahead.
Open-drivers door and passenger side views.
Rose Pedal Cranking The Toyota Celica ( Engine Died On Her She’s Trying to Restart it – Capt Chivalrous Is Shooting This Video) Black Open Toe Sandals / 720P MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to do some revving in the Toyota Celica the engine died on Rose she can’t figure out why it died on her. Now Rose has to fight the Celica to get it to start back up, she has to do a lot of cranking and doing some holding the gas pedal all the way to the floor so she doesn’t flood the carburetor too bad.
Rose is wearing black rim glasses, gray long sleeve pullover shirt, denim shorts, dark black open toe sandals. Capt Chivalrous is shooting a mixture of whole, upper and footwell video of Rose’s sexy size either size 9 or size 10 feet in her dark black open toe sandals. I’m not sure on that, about the first half of the video is whole, upper and footwell video from the drivers door it’s open all the way about halfway through the video Capt goes over to the passenger door opening it and shooting whole body video.
Rose stops cranking for not even a minute she lets it sit for a minute so some of what excess gas can drain from the carburetor. Rose goes back to cranking and rapidly pumping the gas pedal she gets the engine started she revs it really good getting the engine rpms up there to the point the engine was red lining sometimes, this worries Rose some she thinks she better quite and shut the engine off before she damages the engine.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Rose thinks it’s kinda dangerous and shuts the engine off . The End. Rose you did a great cranking and revving video in the Celica your feet look sexy in those dark black open toe sandals Capt Chivalrous your camera work great. Great Video!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂