I’ve seen it asked how do you get these newer cars to crank? Rose Pedal gives a perfect crash course in how to achieve the illusion of a damsel without the distress. Technique, baby, it’s all about the technique!
I’ve seen it asked how do you get these newer cars to crank? Rose Pedal gives a perfect crash course in how to achieve the illusion of a damsel without the distress. Technique, baby, it’s all about the technique!
Rose Pedal Cranking Nissan ( Giving Pointer On How To Crank The Engine And Not Have It Start) White Leather Stiletto Pumps / 720P MP4 HD
It’s cold outside a mixture of rain and snow, there’s a little bit of snow on the ground. Rose Pedal is going to give a pointer on how to do a damsel cranking video in one of those Nisan box cars. Capt Chivalrous is shooting this video he’s shooting a mixture of whole, upper and some really nice footwell video of Rose’s sexy feet in her white leather stiletto pumps.
Rose shows how she can hold the gas pedal all the way to the floor without having the engine start, it doesn’t even try to catch, she does this about three or four times. Rose is wearing a black v-neck long sleeve sweater, denim mini dress, white leather stiletto pumps. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Rose pedal cranks the engine one more time before the video ends. The End. Rose you did a great illusion with out the damsel is distress part, your feet look sexy in those white leather stiletto pumps. Capt Chivalrous you did great shooting this video. Great video !!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂