The scenario started off great with her saying her ‘goodbyes’ to you. She was having trouble getting her car started and calls you over to help. Unfortunately, it was because she was using the wrong key. I had to put a cut in and when she got the correct key and the engine started spinning over, she looks at me and says, “Oops.”
From there, with the 4th wall broken, I just filmed casually to see what I could get out of it.
She tries for a while to get the Monte started but it isn’t starting. She was starting to get stressed out for some unknown reason and I stopped to tell her it’s not her fault, she’s not in trouble, she’s not responsible and that this is a good thing for the sake of video….that real car trouble is what I’ve hired you for. She was getting mad at the car and more stressed as the battery was getting weaker until it ended up dying.