Scarlet is already in the car, trying to get it started as the video fades in. ย It’s a cold day and she’s wearing her leather skirt and boots to stay warm. ย She tries and tries to get the old wagon started but either it’s out of gas or it’s just being extremely temperamental. ย No sputter or nothing!
Scarlet Cranking The Volvo On A Chilly Morning / Black Leather OTK Stiletto Boots / Custom#533
It’s cold Scarlet has to run some errands she’s going to drive the Volvo that is if she can get it to start she’s wearing a red long sleeve sweater, black leather skirt, black leather OTK leather stiletto boots. As Scarlet is cranking and pumping the Volvo’s gas pedal the engine doesn’t even so much as sputter backfire or tease her, she keeps at it hoping she can get the temperamental beast to start so she can run her errands.
Shish is getting whole body video from the drivers side the drivers door is open all the way as Scarlet struggles to get the Volvo to start, about half way through the video Shish opens the right front passenger door and gets whole body video, the drivers door is closed now as Scarlet keeps trying to get it to start, maybe the Volvo is out of gas it’s hard to tell. After a little over five minutes of trying to get the Volvo to start Scarlet gives up she removes the key from the ignition she might have to call somebody to come pick her up maybe Cassandra.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on he screen Scarlet removes the keys from the keys from the ignition. The End. Scarlet you did a great custom cranking video in the Volvo who ever ordered this custom I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐