She’s making a trip to see Cassandra and is taking the Camaro. This car can be about as temperamental as they come and today is one of those days. Scarlet works the gas pedal good, trying to start the Camaro before killing the battery. After a few minutes, she manages to get it running and takes off. She floors the gas, speeding in the old pony car on these backwoods country roads.
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Scarlet Crank & Drive The Camaro Z28 To Cassandra’s / Black Cowgirl Boots / 720 P MP4 HD
Scarlet is going to drive the Z28 over too Cassandra’s shes wearing a black& white sleeveless top, black leggings, black cowgirl boots. As the video begins Scarlet is trying to buckle her seatbelt and cold-start the Camaro at the same time,it looks like the Z28 might tie the Monte-Carlo for temperamental cold starting.
What Scarlet might have done to shorten the time it takes to start the Z28 had she primed the carburetor that might have helped some, then again the Z28 might have not been started in at least a week. Scarlet buckles her seatbelt she cranks and pumps the Camaro’s gas pedal it takes her a little over two minutes to get the engine to start by the time she gets the engine started the battery was beginning to get a little weak.
Scarlet gets the engine started, when she does this seemed to startle her a little bit like she didn’t expect the engine to start. Scarlet warms the engine up about a minute she revs it good to make sure it will stay running, now that the engine is warmed up. Scarlet puts the gearshift in drive, she makes a right turn from the driveway.
Now that Scarlet is on the road she floors it good. i don’t know how fast shes going, the drive to Cassandra’s takes about five or six minutes, the speed limit on some of these two lane roads is from 25 MPH to 35 MPH. Shish is getting a mixture of upper body shots as well as footwell shots of Scarlet’s black cowgirl boots as she works the gas and brake pedal.
At least one time Shish takes the camera and points it through the steering wheel getting footwell video, he also points the camera at the windshield getting video as Scarlet speeds down the road, they pass a UPS truck making its deliveries. Shish sneezes as he’s shooting video.(Hope he didn’t catch a cold LoL 😛 😛 )
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Scarlet makes a left turn down Cassandra’s driveway she parks the Camaro and puts the gearshift in park she then shuts off the engine. The End.
Scarlet you did a great crank and drive video in the Z28 you didn’t let the Camaro get to you you kept cranking until it started right up, for those of you who like black boots your going to like these boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀