Start can’t get her Monte Carlo to start. She puts her full size 6 into the pedal to try and get the engine to fire up but it’s just not starting. A blue tank top, black high-waisted shorts and dark blue wedge sandals with an ankle strap is her outfit on this hot summers day. Even though she’s showing a lot of skin, it doesn’t help keep her from getting hot from the temps and from her frustration!
“It’s too hot for this, ugh!” she says more than once while fighting to start the car.
Star Cranking The Monte-Carlo ( Can’t Even Get At Least A False Start – Pleading Does No Good) Blue Open-Toe Ankle-Strap Wedge Sandals / 1080i MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to go out for a drive in the Monte-Carlo run a few errands and maybe go out for lunch that’s all Star has to do is get her crappy car a 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo to start, it parked off the driveway in the dirt between the house and the driveway.
Star is wearing a dark blue tank top, black high waist shorts, blue open toe wedge sandals w/ ankle-strap. Shish shoots whole body video as she gets in the Monte-Carlo and a mixture of upper and footwell video of Stars sexy size 6 feet as her right foot gives the gas pedal a pretty good work out, he also shoots footwell video from the drivers door it’s open all the way for about the last minute of the video.
After Star gets in the Monte-Carlo she rolls down the door window to let some air in it’s a little bit hot inside the Monte-Carlo. The Monte-Carlo flat out refuses to start not even so much as a false start or at least a chug or backfire. Star struggles to get the Monte-Carlo to start, it’s a good thing she has on blue open toe sandals w/ ankle-strap, the workout she’s giving the gas pedal would turn her feet into a swamp if she had on any other pair of shoes.
Star pleads with the Monte-Carlo to start that does no good she stops cranking after about five minutes and rolls the drivers door window back up, she opens the drivers door and gets out walking back into the house. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Star is walking down the driveway back into the house. The End.
Star you did a great cranking video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look sexy in those blue open toe wedge sandals w/ ankle-strap. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂