Star climbs into the old Monte Carlo that’s parked over in the bushes. It takes her a moment to squeeze in between the bush and the car door. She’s too dressed up to be tromping through the woods. Her red leather jacket, button-up blouse, long cuffed jeans, red leather boots and black leather driving gloves are more for being seen instead of being covered in dirt.
She’s in the car, situated and goes to start the car. She turns the key and press the gas pedal about half way to the floor. The car sputters but doesn’t start. She tries again with the same method and the car reacts the same way. On the third try, she mashes it to the floor and the car responds a little more but still doesn’t start. Now she starts pumping it and she’s able to get the car to somewhat start but it sounds rough and keeps dying while she’s trying to rev and clear it out. After some stalls, she does get the car to rev more smoothly now and her red leather boot just keeps on pumping that gas pedal to rev it pretty hard.
She thinks she ready to go now, so she starts getting the car turned around and it’s always a tough spot because it’s uphill, sometimes muddy and the car likes to stall … which is exactly what happens to Star. She doesn’t get stuck but you can tell the car is having a hard time struggling up and over the hump out of the dirt and onto the concrete. Star has to keep squeezing the throttle open to get the car to move and when the girls let off the gas too quick, the car often stalls.
Joy to find lady Star, which has become rare, her beautiful eyes and her determination, I’m impatient to discover part 2 … Thanks, your … H.