Takes a few attempts to start the old Bug but after that, it’s smooth sailing (after she gets familiar with the new gear shifter) with Sugarmomma driving this old VeeDub on the back roads in some shiny black leather boots.
Takes a few attempts to start the old Bug but after that, it’s smooth sailing (after she gets familiar with the new gear shifter) with Sugarmomma driving this old VeeDub on the back roads in some shiny black leather boots.
Sugar-momma Driving The Super-Beetle With New Gearshift Lever / Black Leather High Heeled Boots / 720P MP4 HD
Sugar-momma is going to do a driving video in the bug, it has a new gearshift lever. First Sugar-momma has to get the bug’s engine to start it takes her about three tries to get the engine started after getting the engine started she tries to put the gearshift in reverse. The bug has a new gearshift lever put in this confuses Sugar-momma a little bit. Cassandra is shooting this video she’s getting a mixture of whole body video as Sugar-momma gets in the bug and and upper body and some really great footwell video. Cassandra and Sugar-momma talk back and forth some Cassandra gives Sugar-momma some pointers on how to put the gearshift in reverse gear.
With this new gearshift lever Sugar-momma has a little bit of a learning curve on shifting into reverse and first gears, it takes her about two or three minutes to figure out how to shift into both reverse and first gears after doing that Sugar-momma slowly goes down the driveway and makes a right turn she going to drive down to a neighborhood development turn around and head back to Cassandra’s house.
Sugar-momma is wearing dark sun glasses, black sweater, blue dress, black leather high heeled boots, the drive is going great Cassandra points the camera out the windshield a little bit about half way through the video it’s mostly footwell video until they get back to Cassandra’s. Sugar-mommas feet look sexy in black leather boots, it’s a good thing they were shooting this video in either the fall or early winter as Sugar-mommas feet must have been getting a little bit hot and sweaty in those black leather boots. Sugar-momma turns the bug down the dirt driveway at Cassandra’s and parks the bug and shuts the engine off.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Sugar-momma shuts the engine off. The End. Sugar-momma you did a great driving video you learned your way around the new gearshift lever pretty fast. Cassandra your camera work looks great. Good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀