We’re back riding with Sugarmomma as she’s fighting with the Camaro in all this afternoon school traffic! The Camaro doesn’t want to idle and red lights, stop signs and pulling out of parking lots is a hassle when the car keeps wanting to stall on her…grrr!!
Sugar Momma Mixed In The Camaro Z28( Having A Hard Time Starting The Engine And Keep It Idling) Black & Tan Cowgirl Boots / Clip 2 Of 2
As we continue from clip one Sugar-Momma is still driving the Camaro is still being a pain in the ass as long as Sugar-Momma keeps the engine rpms up when she’s driving the Camaro behaves itself that is until she comes to a complete stop at either a stop light or if she stops and yields to on coming traffic the engine dies on her when the engine idles.
Sugar-Momma has to keep fighting the Camaro when the engine dies on her by cranking and pumping the Camaro’s gas pedal. Sugar- Momma is still being careful the way she’s pumping the gas pedal she’s trying not to flood the carburetor, so far the carburetor isn’t flooding. Sugar-Momma is keeping calm as she fights the Camaro when it dies on her. The only time the engine seems to idle is after they leave a parking lot school is out school buses are are on the street there going in every direction.
It’s beginning to look like the Camaro is going to idle now after running on some errands at a shopping center parking lot, the engine idles at a traffic light as Sugar-Momma is making a left turn at a traffic light , traffic is a somewhat heavy with school buses and cars and trucks are going in different directions. Sugar-Momma heads back to HQ the drive is over. I bet Sugar-Momma is glad that this drive in the Camaro is over, she makes a left turn on the driveway and shuts the engine off.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Sugar-Momma shuts the engine off. The End. Sugar-Momma you did a great mixed video in the Camaro you didn’t let the Camaro get to you, you kept calm and collected. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀