Momma is taking the old Monte Carlo because her car is tore up. Little Billy is with her and she talks to him and tells him maybe she can get the car out of the mud if she can get it started. She’s stuck pretty good and the old car keeps stalling and she has to pump it a lot to get it started. She gets the tires heated up from all spinning in the mud and you can see steam and smoke out the window. She keeps reassuring you she can get it out as she works the pedals in her brown shiny cowgirl boots.
Sugar Momma Mixed In The Monte-Carlo ( Stuck On The Grass Off The Driveway With Little Billy) Brown Leather Cowgirl Boots / 1080 MP4 HD /Clip 1 Of 3
It’s a nice day to go for a drive little Billy is staying with Sugar Momma she has to drive into town to run some errands, the problem is her car is broke down she has to take that junk heap a 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo, it has been raining on and off. It’s parked off the driveway on the grass it’s all muddy around the rear wheels, now that’s all Sugar Momma has to do is get the Monte-Carlo started and get it on the driveway right? Easier said then done the Monte-Carlo can be really temperamental cold-starting in the morning.
Sugar Momma primes the gas pedal by giving the gas pedal about five or six pumps hopefully she didn’t pump the gas pedal too much, the carburetor floods really easy. Sugar Momma has to do some cranking and pumping of the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal, she’s able to get the engine started the problem is the rear wheels are stuck really good, when she shifts into drive she floors the gas pedal the rear tires are spinning so much you can see steam through the drivers door window, the engine keeps stalling on her.
Shish is shooting upper and footwell video as Sugar Momma struggles to get the Monte-Carlo started backup, she’s wearing a black & blue dress, brown leggings, brown leather cowgirl boots. When Sugar Momma gets the engine started and is able to shift into drive she can’t even at least rock the Monte-Carlo back and forth, while she tries to get the car unstuck she tells little Billy that she will get the Monte-Carlo unstuck, he’s getting a little bit antsy.
Sugar Momma stays calm and cool as she tries to get the Monte-Carlo unstuck. As clip one is ending Shish is shooting footwell video as Sugar Momma feathers the gas pedal trying to rock the Monte-Carlo back and forth. What will clip two in this three part series bring us ? Will Sugar Momma be able to keep restarting the Monte-Carlo without flooding the carburetor really bad. Will little Billy stay calm while Sugar-Momma tries to get the Monte-Carlo unstuck out of the mud.
We will have to wait for clip two in this three part series to see what happens next. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀