This is a video of Tinsley driving the old bus around our neighborhood to get familiar with it again. She hasn’t driven it in quite a while and before doing some hard driving on the main roads, she wants to make some laps on our quiet back road to get a feel of the beast. We talk a bit as she drives. I remind her of some quirks of the car and give her some pointers to make driving it a bit easier.
2 thoughts on “Tinsley ‘Hot-Lapping’ the Bus in Flip Flips”
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The most sexiest feet in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^_^
Tinsley Driving The VW Bus/ Black Flip Flops / PIP/1080i MP4 HD
Tinsley is getting the hang of driving the bus she hasn’t driven it in a wile, shes wearing a plum strapless top, sun glasses,black shorts, black flip flops. Shish is using P.I.P hes doing something a little bit different with one of the minicams the window on the drivers door is rolled down all the way, its mounted on the door getting an upper body shot from back of the left side of her head to about halfway down her back.
The other cam. I’m assuming its a minicam is taking up the rest of the screen that one is getting video from her thighs down to her feet, you can see both feet work the pedals in her black flip flops, her feet look really sexy in those flip flops with her French pedicure on her toes. Shish is giving Tinsley a few pointers on how to drive the bus.
She makes a left turn from the driveway she shifts through the gears, at first when she made the left turn from the driveway when she shifted into third gear she didn’t get the rpms up after shifting into third from second gear she had to floor it to get up to speed the engine sounded a little rough for a few seconds. Tinsley got the hang of how to let off the clutch really fast.
Tinsley is going to do some driving videos in the bus, this is more of a get re-acquainted with the bus, she drives up and down the neighborhood streets, she pulls into someones driveway so she can turn around, there’s that yellow Labrador retriever to the left of the bus barking its head off. Tinsley doesn’t let the dog get to her she gets the bus turned around with no problem.
She goes back to the house turns into the driveway goes to the other end of the driveway she makes another left turn back on the street. Tinsley is getting the hang of the bus really good she goes down the street a ways turns around and heads back to the house, she turns into the driveway she parks the bus she shuts the engine off.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Tinsley shuts the engine off she opens the door. The End.
Tinsley you did a great driving video in the bus, your feet in those black flip flops they look sexy in them. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀