Vivian Volvo Cold Start Fail in Vintage Brown Leather Vest & OTK Boots, 2 of 2
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Vivian Volvo Cold Start Fail in Vintage Brown Leather Vest & OTK Boots, 2 of 2

March 23rd, 2025

She gives her brown vintage leather boots a quick and frustrated tug to pull them all the way up. She pauses for a moment before trying to start the car again. She’s holding the choke out with her two fingers and firmly pumping the gas pedal while mixing in some holding to the floor.

You’re being stubborn today, aren’t ya? Come on baby…come on!” as she holds the key for another long cranking attempt that results in nothing.

She sits back to take a breather…this is not going well for her. After more of the same thing, the battery is starting to get weak again and the damn car just.isn’t.starting!!