Vivian Ireene Pierce Caddy Cranking Zebra Platform Sandals, 1 of 2
February 23rd, 2022
Viewing from the passenger side window, she can’t get the Cadillac started wearing these open-toe platform zebra sandals. She takes that batter from full to deader’N dead.
Vivian Ireene Pierce Cranking The Cadillac ( Quite A Few False Starts – She’s Getting Angry And Frustrated) Black & White Zebra Print Stiletto Sandals / 1080I MP4 HD / Clip 1 Of 2
It’s a nice day to go out for a drive in the Cadillac that’s all Vivian has to do is get it started back it out from under the carport and drive to where she wants to go. The Cadillac has other ideas. Vivian is wearing a black leather jacket, black & white zebra pullover top, black mini dress, black & white zebra print stiletto sandals.
The Cadillac is going to be a real pain in the rear it doesn’t want to start. Vivian gets quite a few false starts, she gets the engine started a couple of times she gets the engine running just long enough to where she can get a rev or two in before the engine dies on her. Shish is shooting whole body video from the passenger door window it’s rolled down all the way as Vivian gets in she takes her black leather jacket off before she tries to get the Cadillac to start up.
Shish also shoots whole body video from the rolled down passenger door she struggles to get the Cadillac to start. Vivian gets angry and frustrated as she cranks and pumps the Cadillac’s gas pedal the battery is getting weak after trying to get the engine to start for close to five minutes. Vivian gives up on trying to get the Cadillac to start the battery is dead now, she puts her car keys back into her purse and puts her black leather jacket back on and gets out.
What will Vivian do next? Will she put a fresh battery in? Or will she call someone to come over and either jump-start or put a fresh battery in? We will have to wait for clip two to see how this turns out. Until then pleasant dreams. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂